Since CDWS was created on the 17th of April 2007; it has established asolid plan to improve the quality of services and the serviceproviders.
CDWS has emphasized the implementation of the trainingagencies standards. All diving operations must comply with theinternational standards for recreational scuba diving service providerregistered as ISO 24803:2007/ EN 14467:2004 in order to obtain alicense to operate in Egypt.
As for the maximum depths for recreational diving:
- CDWS is implementing the World Recreational Scuba Training Council (WRSTC) standards for recreational diving.
- The maximum depth for diving with compressed air is 40 meters (if thetraining qualifications and the experience of the divers allow it)
- For Enriched Air diving; the maximum depth is up to a partial pressure of Oxygen (PPo2) = 1.4 ATA
For other activities:
- For Advanced Enriched Air and/or decompression procedures divers the maximum depth is | 45 meters |
- For Extended Range dives the maximum depth is | 55 meters |
- For Normoxic TRIMIX the maximum depth is | 65 meters |
- For Hypoxic TRIMIX the maximum depth is | 100 meters |
For technical diving deeper than the above mentioned depths:
For any technical diving deeper than the above mentioned depths – usingopen circuits or closed circuit rebreathers - a written request must besubmitted to the CDWS technical committee – at least one week prior tothe dive date – and must include the following:
1. Divers training qualifications,
2. Proof of diving experience,
3. The dive plan and the dive gas mixes,
4. The dive location,
5. Proof of support team's training qualifications,
6. List of emergency equipment available at the site and the emergency plan,
7. Proof of dive insurance covering the team to the planned maximum depth,
The technical committee will study the request and will issue an approval if all documents are acceptable.
For the diving activities:
CDWS is implementing the World Recreational Scuba Training Council (WRSTC) standards for recreational diving.
This means that you simply use your training agency ratios, procedures,rules, recommendations and standards for your diving activities.
The students to instructor ratio during training courses are specified by the training agencies standards.
For guided dives or organised dives, however, it is not practical to impose a ratio of certified divers to dive leader.
The Manager of the dive operation and the dive pros of a licensedoperation are perfectly capable of making the right professionaldecisions based on the qualification of the diver(s), their proof ofexperience and how recently they dived, divers' capabilities, the divelocation, weather conditions, etc.
For snorkelling activities:
Since most of the participants in snorkelling activities won't bequalified skin divers or previously trained for snorkelling; the CDWSregulation - approved by the ministry of Tourism - requires that themaximum number of snorkellers participating in an open water activityis 12 snorkellers to one snorkelling guide.
Of course, this ratiomay be reduced by the operation manager or the snorkelling guide if thesea conditions, location or the abilities of the participants requiresmodification in order to be on the safe side.
- Wearing gloves as a thermal protection is not restricted, however, touching corals and marine life is strictly prohibited.
- Therefore, it is highly recommended not to wear gloves if not needed as a thermal protection.
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